Training - Augman


Training & Certification

Training & Consulting Balanced Scorecard Professional Certification, OKR Professional Certification and KPI Professional Certification

We are proud to be associated with Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI) USA and offering various professional certification courses
Balance Scorecard Institute

As a partner of the Balanced Scorecard Institute, we offer Balanced Scorecard Professional, OKR Professional, and KPI Professional Certifications.

Balanced Scorecard Professional (BSP) Certification (Live Online)

This certification course covers the entire range of balanced scorecard topics over the course of 10 sessions. Participants will learn organization development, strategic planning, objective & strategy mapping, performance measures, prioritization, automation, & cascading.

Objectives and Key Results Professional (OKR-P) Certification (Live Online)

This live online course trains participants on setting and working with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and provides participants with the tools they need to coach their teams through the successful development and implementation of OKRs.


Key Performance Indicator Professional (KPI-P) Certification (Live Online)

The KPI Professional Certification is designed to help participants understand the fundamentals of performance management, then successfully develop, deploy, and manage meaningful KPIs for strategic, operational, or program management.

Before we talk destination, we shine a spotlight across your organization to fully understand its people, processes, and technology.

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Contact Us

Address– Wing-H ,1302, Palacia, Village kavesar Ghodbundar Road, Thane (w) 
Phone– +91-9819173426